The BERT Score – Evaluating Text Generation

This video talks about the evaluation metric BERTScore, why it needed over existing metrics such as the BLEU score and so on and how it is computed and evaluated. Traditional metrics look at exact text match. BERTScore looks at semantic similarity leveraging contextual word embeddings of words in the candidate and the reference sentences.

BLUE Score

This brief video describes the BLEU score, a popular evaluation metric used for sevaral tasks such as machine translation, text summarization and so on. What is BLEU Score? BLEU stands for Bilingual evaluation Understudy. It is a metric used to evaluate the quality of machine generated text by comparing it with a reference text that…

You want to find food related topics in twitter – how do you go about it ?

One can use any of the topic models above to get topics. However, to direct the topics to contain food related information, specialized topic modeling algorithms are available. However, one simple way to direct the topics to food related things is : Filter tweets by a limited set of food related keywords (food, meal, dinner,…