Tag: Natural Language Processing
Top 50 Machine Learning Interview Questions
Whether you are kickstarting your interview preparation, or wrapping up your preparation and are looking for final touches, here are over 50 must see questions to prepare for a data science interview. We have put them in five categories for convenience. (Note: There are sevaral more questions along with answers in the main menu “Interview…
Explain latent dirichlet allocation – where is it typically used ?
Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a probabilistic model that models a document as a multinomial mixture of topics and the topics as a multinomial mixture of words. Each of these multinomials have a dirichlet prior. The goal is to learn these multinomial proportions using probabilistic inference techniques based on the observed data which is the words/content…
You are trying to cluster documents using a Bag of Words method. Typically words like if, of, is and so on are not great features. How do you make sure you are leveraging the more informative words better during the feature Engineering?
Words like if, of, … are called stop words. Typical pre-processing in standard NLP pipeline involves identifying and removing stop-words (except in some cases where context/ word adjacency information is important). Common techniques to remove stop words include : TF-IDF – Term frequency inverse document frequency Leveraging manually curated stop word lists and eliminating…